Reproducing and extending our works

Our team is an advocate for open and reproducible science. This includes both experimental details to generate data and line-by-line computational workflows to reproduce critical insights. As many of our own insights come from reanalyzing data from previously published work, we take special care to ensure that resources from our works are available in easy-to-access formats.

Check out our curated resources from our major efforts here:

Lareau Lab @ MSKCC (2024-)

<b>Programmable Enrichment via RNA FlowFISH by sequencing</b>
Programmable Enrichment via RNA FlowFISH by sequencing
PERFF-seq is new workflow for studying rare cell types via nucleic acid cytometry upstream of scRNA-seq. Our resources highlight code to reproduce downstream analyses of PERFF-seq data as well as step-by-step protocols for performing your own experiment.
PERFF-seq   ·   13 Oct 2024   ·   Led by Tsion with Satpathy Lab and SAIL

Before MSKCC (2019-2023)

<b>Mitochondrial single-cell ATAC-seq</b>
Mitochondrial single-cell ATAC-seq
The best established method for generating high-quality insights of clonal relatedness using single-cell genomics is the mtscATAC-seq protocol. Check out our code, datasets, and step-by-step protocols here.
mtscATAC-seq   ·   15 Feb 2023   ·   with Leif via the Sankaran Lab